Authors Voice Publishing

Meticulous Editing | Custom Design | Personal Service

Manuscript Evaluation

Three Levels of Editing

Photography and Illustration

Book Interior Design

Book Cover Design


Formatting and Prep for Print


Book Promotion

Your Voice. Your Story. Your Book.

You’ve written the manuscript, revised and revised again, and now you’re thinking seriously about publishing. So how do you get from raw manuscript to a book in print or online?

Assistance Makes Publishing Easy for Indie Authors

You have more options today than ever before for “self-publishing.” But you may not be able to or want to do everything yourself. With author-assisted publishing, you choose the services you need, and we work together to make your book a reality.

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Author's Voice Can Assist You

To tell your story, realize your dream of being a published author, and leave a legacy you can be proud to own.

  • Our meticulous editing strengthens your author’s voice and helps you accurately communicate your message;
  • Our custom design transforms your manuscript into a polished book that will attract readers;
  • Our many options give you control over the publishing process;
  • Our personal attention and support give you confidence to present your book to the world.

Ah, but You Have Questions?

That’s good! We always have time for your questions and strive to provide you answers. Where to Start? Right here is a good place to start because it’s easy to choose the services you need to put your manuscript on the path to becoming a printed book or digital eBook. Click on the buttons at the left to see what AVP can offer you.

Get to Know Us

Presentation: “Your Publishing Options”

If you live in Kansas, Missouri, Indiana, Maryland, or Virginia, your writer’s group can receive a free presentation in person about the various options currently available for getting your book into print or available online. Jan would be happy to meet you, share her knowledge, and hear your story as well.

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Individual Consultations

Could be added to this trip for a small fee. To arrange a presentation, call: 620-245-0009 or 410-259-0299 or Email: [email protected]

Free Initial Consultation

You can get a free initial consultation in person in Kansas. Let’s talk about your goals and dreams over a cup of coffee—our treat—with no obligation. Contact Jan Hurst by filling out our contact form, here, calling: 620-245-0009 or 410-259-0299 or Email: [email protected]

Quote of the Month

“Find a subject you care about and which you in your heart feel others should care about. It is this genuine caring, not your games with language, which will be the most compelling and seductive element in your style.”

—Stephen King


Jim Potter

Taking Back the Bullet

“A great editor can offer valuable advice that helps shape a manuscript. This is true of Jan Gilbert Hurst. Her meticulous editing has allowed my novel to be dressed up so that it may be seen in public.”

Ginger Zyskowski

Love and Lovers, Poetry

“I think the cover looks great, and I am so excited to have a completed publication. I look forward to your help with my next book.”

John Dieterly

Intended for Good

“Thanks so much for all you did to bring my book to this conclusion—not only to make it possible, but to make it into a very attractive and well-done book!”

Robert Hagan

Ezekiel’s Prophesy Fulfilled

“With intelligent and effective insight Jan Hurst edited my novel, Ezekiel’s Prophesy Fulfilled. The improvements she proposed in the Christian novel helped lift the saga to a high professional level. Ms. Hurst presented her suggestions in a logical manner that made it easy to accept the vast majority of her ideas. She obviously invested a great deal of time and thought into her reviews. I would welcome her editing my next novel.”

Jeanne Jacoby Smith


“I opened my email a few minutes ago and discovered your finished PDF file here. I’m very pleased with the work that you’ve done. Your expertise is to be admired. You have been most gracious.”

Lisa Gaskill Peters

Doris Coppock, Renaissance Woman

"Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU, for all your editing and design work on this project. I am so immensely grateful for your expertise and gentle, positive guidance. I COULDN'T have completed this without you and your steady "herding of the sheep."

Gerald and Lois Neher

Life among the Chibok of Nigeria; Cultures Collide in My Nigeria; and Glimpses of Life in Northeast Nigeria

“Working with Jan was a pleasure. Her excellent work has been invaluable in helping us to fulfill our dream of leaving a legacy to the Chibok people.”

Ron Konkel

Places in My Mind

The cover of my book is just amazing! The designer, Jan Hurst, is a professional who can provide full editorial services, including prepress, and cover design at a reasonable price.